

如下是具体实现,code explains itself well

package main

import "fmt"

const (
    sub int = iota

type Pubsub struct{
    //command channel,multiplexing
    cmdChan chan cmd
    capacity int

type cmd struct {
    op     int
    topic string
    ch     chan interface{}
    msg    interface{}

func PubServer(capacity int) *Pubsub {
    ps := &Pubsub{make(chan cmd),capacity}
    go ps.start()
    return ps

func (ps *Pubsub) Sub(topic string) chan interface{}{
    ch := make(chan interface{},ps.capacity)
    ps.cmdChan <- cmd{op:sub,topic:topic,ch:ch}
    return ch

func (ps *Pubsub) Pub(msg interface{},topic string){
    ps.cmdChan <- cmd{op: pub, topic: topic, msg: msg}

//topic ->sublist
type registry struct{
    topics map[string][]chan interface{}

//bind sub channels to topics
func (reg *registry) add(topic string,ch chan interface{}){
    if reg.topics[topic] == nil {
        reg.topics[topic] = make([]chan interface{},0,5)
    reg.topics[topic] = append(reg.topics[topic],ch)

//kick the ball
func (reg *registry) send(topic string,msg interface{}){
    for _,ch := range reg.topics[topic]{
        ch <- msg

//worker,ready to dispatch
func (ps *Pubsub) start(){
    reg := registry{
        topics:make(map[string][]chan interface{}),
    for cmd := range ps.cmdChan{
        if cmd.topic == ""{
            continue loop
        switch cmd.op {
            case sub:
                reg.add(cmd.topic, cmd.ch)
            case pub:
                reg.send(cmd.topic, cmd.msg)
            case unsub:
                ; //skipped,for it's no easy to remove an element given a slice


func main() {
    s := PubServer(1)
    ch1 := s.Sub("english")
    ch2 := s.Sub("french")
    ch3 := s.Sub("chinese")

    s.Pub("hello english", "english")
    s.Pub("hello french", "french")
    s.Pub(1.222222, "chinese")

    fmt.Printf("%v ","hello english" == <-ch1)
    //shall be false
    fmt.Printf("%v ","hello frenchxxx" == <-ch2)
    fmt.Printf("%v ",1.222222 == <-ch3)
Original Link: http://tianyaqu.com/blog/2015/08/18/a-simple-sub-slash-pub-system-with-go/
Attribution - NON-Commercial - ShareAlike - Copyright © Alex
